Viasat History eng

телепрограмма Viasat History eng на 24 января 2021 г.

05:40 Mysteries at the Museum, «Lancelot the Unicorn; Prohibition Man; Dragon Island and Blood Rain»

06:20 Mysteries at the Museum, «Great Snake Hunt, Minneapolis Svengali, and Swimming with Sharks»

07:05 A Stitch In Time, «The Hedge Cutter»

08:10 Wicked Inventions, «Episode 25»

08:40 Wicked Inventions, «Episode 17»

10:20 Lost Pyramids of the Aztecs, «Episode 1»

11:25 Big Cat Country, «Hollywoods Held Hostage»

12:25 Big Cat Country, «The Next Dynasty»

13:25 Mysteries Decoded, «Bigfoot»

14:15 Mysteries Decoded, «Vampires of New Orleans»

15:05 Mysteries Decoded, «Bigfoot»

15:55 Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II, «All the Players»

16:40 History of Weapons, «Faster Than The Enemy»

17:00 Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II, «A War of Attrition»

17:40 History of Weapons, «The Power of Destruction»

18:00 End of Empire, «Edgar»

18:55 End of Empire, «Attila»

19:55 End of Empire, «Charlemagne»

20:50 Reformation: Europe's Holy War

21:55 Italy's Invisible Cities, «Naples»

23:00 Х/ф «Turkish Passport»

00:50 Berlin 1945, «Episode 3»

01:55 Mysteries Decoded, «Episode 6»

04:50 WWII: Battles for Europe, «Market Garden»

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