Viasat History eng

телепрограмма Viasat History eng c 11 января по 17 января 2021 г.

Понедельник, 11 января

05:05 Secrets of the Nazi War Machine, «Episode 4»

05:15 Secrets of the Nazi War Machine, «Episode 4»

07:30 Cursed Bloodlines, «The Kennedys»

08:05 Wicked Inventions, «Episode 30»

08:35 A Stitch In Time, «Arnolfini»

09:10 Mysteries at the Museum, «Hank Williams, Glowing Soldiers and Iceman Cometh»

10:00 Mysteries at the Museum, «The Spy That Saved Washington, the Monster in the Egg, and Hatfields»

10:55 Castles - Bastions of Power, «Enemy at the Gate»

12:00 Deadly Intelligence, «Jack Parsons»

12:50 Big Cat Country, «The Next Dynasty»

13:50 Museum Secrets, «Inside the Topkapi Palace Museum, Istanbul»

14:45 First Civilizations, «Religion»

15:50 Megapolis: The Ancient World Revealed, «Episode 3»

16:55 Machinery of War, «Episode 6»

18:00 World War II: The Price of Empire, «Episode 6»

19:00 Living with Hitler, «Episode 2»

20:05 Egypt's Lost Pyramid

21:00 Battle of Crete, «Episode 1»

22:05 Deadly Intelligence, «Gerald Bull»

23:00 Secrets of the Nazi War Machine, «Luftwaffe»

00:00 The Ghost of the Neolithic

01:05 The Nazi Who Saved Jews: Karl Plagge

02:05 First Civilizations, «Religion»

03:15 Megapolis: The Ancient World Revealed, «Episode 3»

04:20 Machinery of War, «Episode 6»

Вторник, 12 января

05:10 World War II: The Price of Empire, «Episode 6»

06:05 Living with Hitler, «Episode 2»

06:55 Forbidden History, «Secret Societies: World Domination»

08:10 Wicked Inventions, «Episode 20»

08:40 Cursed Bloodlines, «The Fairy Tale Curse»

09:10 Mysteries at the Museum, «Miracle on the Hudson; for the Love of Lady Liberty; Dawn of the Synth»

10:00 Mysteries at the Museum, «Boston Marathon Cheat: Beast of Bodmin: The Naked President»

10:50 Egypt's Lost Pyramid

11:50 Deadly Intelligence, «Gerald Bull»

12:40 Living With Volcanoes, «Episode 1»

13:45 Museum Secrets, «Inside the State Historical Museum, Moscow»

14:40 First Civilizations, «Cities»

15:45 Megapolis: The Ancient World Revealed, «Episode 4»

16:50 Machinery of War, «Episode 1»

17:50 World War II: The Price of Empire, «Episode 7»

18:55 Living with Hitler, «Episode 3»

19:55 Versailles: The Challenges of The Sun King, «Episode 1»

20:55 Battle of Crete, «Episode 2»

22:05 Deadly Intelligence, «Enemy of the State»

23:00 Secrets of the Nazi War Machine, «Episode 2»

00:00 The Lost Viking Army

00:55 Hunting Down Klaus Barbie

02:05 First Civilizations, «Cities»

03:15 Megapolis: The Ancient World Revealed, «Episode 4»

04:15 Machinery of War, «Episode 1»

Среда, 13 января

05:10 World War II: The Price of Empire, «Episode 7»

06:00 Living with Hitler, «Episode 3»

06:55 Forbidden History, «Mystery of Yamashita's Treasure»

08:15 Forbidden History, «Mystery of Yamashita's Treasure»

09:10 Mysteries at the Museum, «Man on Wire, Bigger is Better and Filipino Follies»

10:00 Mysteries at the Museum, «Prehistoric Meat And More»

10:50 Versailles: The Challenges of The Sun King, «Episode 1»

11:55 Deadly Intelligence, «Enemy of the State»

12:50 Living With Volcanoes, «Episode 2»

13:55 Museum Secrets, «Inside the Israel Museum, Jerusalem»

14:45 First Civilizations, «Trade»

15:50 New Secrets of the Terracotta Warriors

16:55 Machinery of War, «Episode 2»

18:00 World War II: The Price of Empire, «Episode 8»

19:00 Berlin 1945, «Episode 1»

20:05 Versailles: The Challenges of The Sun King, «Episode 2»

21:00 Battle of Crete, «Episode 3»

22:05 Deadly Intelligence, «Nikola Tesla»

23:00 Secrets of the Nazi War Machine, «Episode 3»

00:00 Hannibal: The New Evidence

00:55 The Last Persian Shah

02:00 First Civilizations, «Trade»

03:05 New Secrets of the Terracotta Warriors

04:10 Machinery of War, «Episode 2»

Четверг, 14 января

05:05 World War II: The Price of Empire, «Episode 8»

05:55 Berlin 1945, «Episode 1»

06:50 Forbidden History, «Legend of the Turin Shroud»

08:05 Forbidden History, «Legend of the Turin Shroud»

09:00 Mysteries at the Museum, «White House Water; Queen of the Mist; and the Real Holy Grail»

09:55 Mysteries at the Museum, «When Twain Met Sawyer and More»

10:45 Versailles: The Challenges of The Sun King, «Episode 2»

11:40 Deadly Intelligence, «Nikola Tesla»

12:35 Living With Volcanoes, «Episode 3»

13:40 Museum Secrets, «Inside the Palacio Real, Madrid»

14:35 The Celts: Blood, Iron and Sacrifice, «The Origins of the Celts»

15:45 Italy's Invisible Cities, «Naples»

16:50 Machinery of War, «Defence»

17:50 World War II: The Price of Empire, «The Beginning of the End»

18:50 Berlin 1945, «Episode 2»

19:55 Judea and Rome: The Fatal Conflict, «Episode 1»

21:00 WWII: Battles for Europe, «D-Day»

22:05 Deadly Intelligence, «Bruce Ivins»

23:00 Secrets of the Nazi War Machine, «Episode 4»

00:00 Eternal Pompeii

01:00 The Final Journey of the Romanovs

02:05 The Celts: Blood, Iron and Sacrifice, «The Origins of the Celts»

03:15 Italy's Invisible Cities, «Naples»

04:15 Machinery of War, «Defence»

Пятница, 15 января

05:10 World War II: The Price of Empire, «The Beginning of the End»

06:00 Berlin 1945, «Episode 2»

06:55 Forbidden History, «Nazi Raiders of the Holy Grail»

08:00 Forbidden History, «Nazi Raiders of the Holy Grail»

08:55 Mysteries at the Museum, «Episode 8»

09:50 Mysteries at the Museum, «Buried Alive, Mauve, Crash at Crush»

10:40 Judea and Rome: The Fatal Conflict, «Episode 1»

11:40 Deadly Intelligence, «Bruce Ivins»

12:35 Living With Volcanoes, «Episode 4»

13:40 Museum Secrets, «Inside the Uffizi Gallery, Florence»

14:35 The Celts: Blood, Iron and Sacrifice, «Rise and Fall»

15:45 Italy's Invisible Cities, «Venice»

16:50 Machinery of War, «Episode 4»

17:50 World War II: The Price of Empire, «Overlord»

18:50 Berlin 1945, «Episode 3»

19:55 Judea and Rome: The Fatal Conflict, «Episode 2»

21:00 WWII: Battles for Europe, «Battle of Caen»

22:05 Deadly Intelligence, «Frank Olson»

23:00 Secrets of the Nazi War Machine, «Luftwaffe»

00:00 Egypt's Lost Pyramid

00:55 Nazi Science, «Episode 1»

02:00 The Celts: Blood, Iron and Sacrifice, «Rise and Fall»

03:10 Italy's Invisible Cities, «Venice»

04:10 Machinery of War, «Episode 4»

Суббота, 16 января

05:05 World War II: The Price of Empire, «Overlord»

05:55 Berlin 1945, «Episode 3»

06:50 Forbidden History, «Search for Noah's Ark»

08:15 Wicked Inventions, «Episode 23»

08:45 Museum Secrets, «Inside the Israel Museum, Jerusalem»

09:40 First Civilizations, «War»

10:45 First Civilizations, «Religion»

11:50 Hitler's World: The Post-War Plan, «Hitler's British Headquarters»

12:50 Hitler's World: The Post-War Plan, «Nazification»

13:45 Hitler's World: The Post-War Plan, «Transporting the Reich»

14:40 Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II, «The Gathering Storm»

15:40 Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II, «Blitzkrieg»

16:40 Big Cat Country, «Punks on the Run»

17:40 Big Cat Country, «The Punks Strike Back»

18:40 Battle of Crete, «Episode 1»

19:45 Battle of Crete, «Episode 2»

20:50 Battle of Crete, «Episode 3»

21:55 WWII: Battles for Europe, «D-Day»

23:00 Lost Home Movies of Nazi Germany, «Nemesis»

00:00 Т/с «Our World War», «War Machine»

01:10 Mysteries Decoded, «Episode 3»

02:00 The Story of Europe, «The Age of Revolutions»

03:05 The Story of Europe, «War and Peace»

04:00 Battle of Crete, «Episode 1»

04:55 Battle of Crete, «Episode 2»

Воскресенье, 17 января

05:50 Mysteries at the Museum, «Big Eyes, Magnetic Girl and the Half Safe»

06:35 Mysteries at the Museum, «Tonya vs. Nancy; Shrimpy Sonar; Dumbarton Dogs»

07:20 Forbidden History, «Curse of the Crystal Skulls»

08:10 Wicked Inventions, «Episode 21»

08:35 A Stitch In Time, «Marie Antoinette»

10:20 First Civilizations, «Trade»

11:25 Big Cat Country, «Punks on the Run»

12:25 Big Cat Country, «The Punks Strike Back»

13:25 Mysteries Decoded, «Area 51»

14:20 Mysteries Decoded, «The Bermuda Triangle»

15:10 Mysteries Decoded, «Episode 6»

16:00 Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II, «The Gathering Storm»

17:00 Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II, «Blitzkrieg»

18:00 The Story of Europe, «The Age of Revolutions»

19:00 The Story of Europe, «War and Peace»

19:55 In the Footsteps of Attila: King of the Huns, «Episode 1»

20:50 In the Footsteps of Attila: King of the Huns, «Episode 2»

21:40 Mysteries at the Museum, «Arrow Stork, Terror in the Sky and Feuding Astors»

22:30 Cursed Bloodlines, «The Curse of the Agnellis»

23:00 The Nazi Who Saved Jews: Karl Plagge

00:00 Berlin 1945, «Episode 1»

01:05 Mysteries Decoded, «Area 51»

03:50 Battle of Crete, «Episode 3»

04:45 WWII: Battles for Europe, «D-Day»

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