Viasat History eng

телепрограмма Viasat History eng на 21 января 2021 г.

05:05 World War II: The Price of Empire, «13»

05:55 The Secret War, «Episode 3»

06:45 Forbidden History, «Hitler's Occult Conspiracy»

08:15 Wicked Inventions, «Episode 21»

08:45 A Stitch In Time, «The Black Prince»

09:20 Mysteries at the Museum, «Death of the Ice Cream Blonde, Finding Nessie and World's Worst Singer»

10:15 Mysteries at the Museum, «Hedy Lamarr's Escape; the Kray Twins; Maco Light»

11:05 Vienna: Empire, Dynasty and Dream, «Episode 3»

12:05 Mysteries Decoded, «Episode 3»

12:55 History of Weapons, «Ranged Weapons»

14:00 Museum Secrets, «Inside the Bardo Museum, Tunisia»

14:50 Scanning the Nile, «Episode 3»

15:55 The Woman In The Iron Coffin

17:05 War Factories, «Krupp»

18:00 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour, «Blitzkrieg»

19:05 The Secret War, «Episode 4»

20:05 In Search of the Orient Express, «Episode 1»

21:00 WWII: Battles for Europe, «Episode 6»

22:05 Mysteries Decoded, «Area 51»

22:55 Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II, «The Gathering Storm»

00:00 Italy's Invisible Cities, «Venice»

01:00 The Day Kennedy Died

02:05 Scanning the Nile, «Episode 3»

03:10 The Woman In The Iron Coffin

04:20 War Factories, «Krupp»

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