
телепрограмма Буковина на 11 декабря 2020 г.

05:00 Built To Shred, «Musical Shred»

05:30 Built To Shred, «Land of Giants»

06:00 Drive Thru Caribbean

06:30 Drive Thru Caribbean

07:00 Thrillbillies, «Cam’s Roll»

07:30 Thrillbillies, «Extreme Skating»

08:00 Woodsy's World

09:00 Т/с «The Moto: Inside the Outdoors», «Unadilla National»

09:30 Т/с «The Moto: Inside the Outdoors», «Southwick National»

10:00 Camp Woodward, «The Big Trip»

10:30 Camp Woodward, «Camp Kick-Off»

11:00 New Pollution

11:30 New Pollution

12:00 Lost in Thought

12:45 Highline

13:00 Occ-Cast, «Christian Fletcher»

14:00 Drive Thru Australia, «The Departure»

14:30 Drive Thru Australia, «Turn Around»

15:00 Camp Woodward, «Episode 7»

15:30 Х/ф «Sink or Swim»

16:00 World of X Games, «Woodward Peace Park Championships 2019»

16:30 World of X Games, «Alex Ferreira: The Scenic Route»

17:00 Inside, «The Journey»

17:30 Glitch

17:45 Matty Manners Surfboards

18:00 Camp Woodward, «The Big Trip»

18:30 Camp Woodward, «Camp Kick-Off»

19:00 Firsthand, «Simon Hetrick»

19:15 Firsthand, «Matt Bromley»

19:45 Firsthand, «Victoria Vergara»

20:00 Occ-Cast, «Christian Fletcher»

21:00 Catch Up

22:00 Transworld's Skate & Create

23:00 World of X Games, «Woodward Peace Park Championships 2019»

23:30 World of X Games, «Alex Ferreira: The Scenic Route»

00:00 One-on-One «Tara VanDerveer»

01:00 Woodsy's World

02:00 Lawn Patrol

03:00 Fairly Normal

04:00 Built To Shred, «Land of Giants»

04:30 Built To Shred, «Tactical Shred»

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