
телепрограмма Буковина на 7 декабря 2020 г.

05:00 Built To Shred, «Junkyard Dogs»

05:30 Built To Shred, «Shredabago»

06:00 Drive Thru South Africa, «The Transkei»

06:30 Drive Thru South Africa, «The Wild Coast»

07:00 Thrillbillies

07:30 Thrillbillies, «Whitney's Fairy Tale»

08:00 Woodsy's World

09:00 Т/с «The Moto: Inside the Outdoors», «Hangtown National»

09:30 Т/с «The Moto: Inside the Outdoors», «Freestone National»

10:00 Camp Woodward, «Stakes are High»

10:30 Camp Woodward, «Ticket Home»

11:00 New Pollution, «Koa Smith, Matt Lemond, Brooke Shaw»

11:30 New Pollution, «Coco Ho, the Kotsenburgs, Steel Lafferty»

12:00 Camp Woodward, «Episode 6»

12:30 Custom

13:00 Occ-Cast, «Dave Rastovich»

14:00 Drive Thru Caribbean

14:30 Drive Thru New Zealand

15:00 Catch Up

16:00 World of X Games, «Rip to Cabo 2019»

17:00 Discovering Ribeira Grande

17:40 DarkFEST: The Darkumentary

18:00 Camp Woodward, «Stakes are High»

18:30 Camp Woodward, «Ticket Home»

19:00 World Surf Weekly, «Episode 37»

19:30 Inside, «The Journey»

20:00 Occ-Cast, «Dave Rastovich»

21:00 Х/ф «Sink or Swim»

21:30 Taj Burrow

22:00 Camp Woodward, «Beijing»

22:30 The Gypsy Tour

23:00 World of X Games, «Rip to Cabo 2019»

00:00 Firsthand, «Simon Hetrick»

00:15 Firsthand, «Matt Bromley»

00:45 Firsthand, «Victoria Vergara»

01:00 Woodsy's World

02:00 The Adventures of Danny & The Dingo, «Beardo's and Weirdo's»

02:30 The Adventures of Danny & The Dingo, «Viking Quest»

03:00 Firsthand, «Simon Hetrick»

03:15 Firsthand, «Matt Bromley»

03:45 Firsthand, «Victoria Vergara»

04:00 Standard Snowboard Show, «Street Dreams»

04:30 Standard Snowboard Show, «Standard Girls»

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