Viasat History eng

телепрограмма Viasat History eng на 30 декабря 2020 г.

05:10 Mysteries at the Museum, «Boston Marathon Cheat: Beast of Bodmin: The Naked President»

05:50 Mythical Beasts, «Killer Vampires»

06:40 Mythical Beasts, «Lost World of the Giants»

07:25 Cursed Bloodlines, «The Curse of the Political Dynasties»

07:30 Turning Point, «Stalin»

08:00 Mysteries Decoded, «The Bermuda Triangle»

08:45 Cursed Bloodlines, «The Magnate's Curse»

09:15 Mysteries Decoded, «Bigfoot»

10:10 Museum Secrets, «Inside the State Historical Museum, Moscow»

11:05 The Disaster Diaries, «2015»

12:15 Living With Volcanoes, «Episode 4»

13:20 The Pyramids: Solving the Mystery, «Meidum And The Mystery Of The False Pyramid»

14:20 The Pyramids: Solving the Mystery, «Dahshur - An Incredible Discovery»

15:20 The Last Journey of the Vikings, «Episode 1»

16:20 Megapolis: The Ancient World Revealed, «Episode 3»

17:25 Scanning the Nile, «Episode 3»

18:30 Italy's Invisible Cities, «Florence»

19:30 Private Lives, «Al Capone»

20:25 Queen Victoria's Children, «Princes Will Be Princes»

21:35 Napoleon, «Episode 1»

22:50 The Secret Versailles of Marie-Antoinette

23:50 Che Guevara: Beyond The Myth

00:55 Mythical Beasts, «Killer Vampires»

01:55 Mysteries at the Museum, «Great Snake Hunt, Minneapolis Svengali, and Swimming with Sharks»

02:45 The Secret Versailles of Marie-Antoinette

03:50 Napoleon, «Episode 1»

04:50 Mysteries at the Museum, «Man on Wire, Bigger is Better and Filipino Follies»

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