Viasat History CEE Latvija

телепрограмма Viasat History CEE Latvija c 24 февраля по 2 марта 2025 г.

Понедельник, 24 февраля

00:15 WWII: Hell on Earth

01:20 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

02:25 Secret Weapons: WWII

03:15 From the Ashes of WWII

04:15 Bomber: Terror of WWII

05:05 The Crusades

05:55 Forbidden History

06:20 Forbidden History

07:10 Queens That Changed The World

07:55 Revolutions That Changed History

09:00 The Crusades

10:05 Ancient Superstructures

11:10 Top Ten Warfare

12:15 Secret Weapons: WWII

13:20 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

14:25 Revolutions That Changed History

15:30 Queens That Changed The World

16:30 The Crusades

17:35 Ancient Superstructures

18:40 Top Ten Warfare

19:50 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

20:55 Secret Weapons: WWII

22:00 From the Ashes of WWII

23:10 Bomber: Terror of WWII

Вторник, 25 февраля

00:50 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

01:55 Secret Weapons: WWII

03:00 The Engineering That Built the World

03:40 The Engineering That Built the World

04:25 Caesar's Doomsday War

05:10 Forbidden History

05:55 Forbidden History

07:15 Cursed Bloodlines

07:45 Cursed Bloodlines

08:10 From the Ashes of WWII

09:10 Caesar's Doomsday War

10:10 Ancient Superstructures

11:15 Top Ten Warfare

12:25 Secret Weapons: WWII

13:30 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

14:30 From the Ashes of WWII

15:35 Revolutions That Changed History

16:40 Caesar's Doomsday War

17:40 Ancient Superstructures

18:45 Top Ten Warfare

19:50 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

20:55 Secret Weapons: WWII

22:00 The Engineering That Built the World

22:55 The Engineering That Built the World

23:50 WWII: Hell on Earth

Среда, 26 февраля

00:00 WWII: Hell on Earth

01:00 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

02:05 Secret Weapons: WWII

03:10 D-Day: The Soldiers' Story

03:55 D-Day: The Soldiers' Story

04:40 Caesar's Doomsday War

05:25 Forbidden History

07:20 Revolutions That Changed History

08:25 Paris: The Mystery of The Lost Palace

09:30 Caesar's Doomsday War

10:25 Ancient Superstructures

11:35 Top Ten Warfare

12:40 Secret Weapons: WWII

13:40 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

14:45 The Engineering That Built the World

15:40 Revolutions That Changed History

16:45 Caesar's Doomsday War

17:40 Ancient Superstructures

18:50 Top Ten Warfare

19:55 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

20:55 Secret Weapons: WWII

22:00 D-Day: The Soldiers' Story

23:00 D-Day: The Soldiers' Story

Четверг, 27 февраля

00:15 WWII: Hell on Earth

01:20 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

02:25 Secret Weapons: WWII

03:20 Who Wrote the New Testament?

04:15 The Mystery of the Holy Lance

05:05 Real Life of a Roman Soldier

06:10 Forbidden History

07:25 Cursed Bloodlines

07:55 Auschwitz - One Day

09:00 Real Life of a Roman Soldier

10:05 Castles - Bastions of Power

11:10 Top Ten Warfare

12:10 Secret Weapons: WWII

13:20 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

14:20 Auschwitz - One Day

15:30 Revolutions That Changed History

16:35 Real Life of a Roman Soldier

17:40 Castles - Bastions of Power

18:50 Top Ten Warfare

19:50 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

20:55 Secret Weapons: WWII

22:00 Who Wrote the New Testament?

23:10 The Mystery of the Holy Lance

Пятница, 28 февраля

00:05 WWII: Hell on Earth

01:10 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

02:15 Secret Weapons: WWII

03:15 Treasures with Bettany Hughes

04:05 Reinventing China

04:55 Real Life of a Roman Soldier

05:50 Forbidden History

06:00 Forbidden History

07:20 Cursed Bloodlines

07:50 Who Wrote the New Testament?

08:55 Real Life of a Roman Soldier

10:00 Castles - Bastions of Power

11:10 Top Ten Warfare

12:10 Secret Weapons: WWII

13:15 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

14:20 Who Wrote the New Testament?

15:25 Revolutions That Changed History

16:35 Real Life of a Roman Soldier

17:40 Castles - Bastions of Power

18:50 Top Ten Warfare

19:55 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

20:55 Secret Weapons: WWII

22:00 Treasures with Bettany Hughes

23:00 Reinventing China

Суббота, 1 марта

00:15 Female Spies of WWII

01:25 From the Ashes of WWII

02:30 Bomber: Terror of WWII

03:25 Paris: The Mystery of The Lost Palace

04:20 Bronze-Age Apocalypse

05:05 Bronze-Age Apocalypse

05:55 Out of Europe

06:35 Cursed Bloodlines

07:10 Bronze-Age Apocalypse

08:05 Bronze-Age Apocalypse

09:05 Out of Europe

10:15 Top Ten Warfare

11:20 Top Ten Warfare

12:25 Top Ten Warfare

13:30 Top Ten Warfare

14:35 Top Ten Warfare

15:35 Secret Weapons: WWII

16:40 Secret Weapons: WWII

17:45 Secret Weapons: WWII

18:50 Secret Weapons: WWII

19:55 Secret Weapons: WWII

20:55 Secret Weapons: WWII

22:00 The True Story of the Tattooist of Auschwitz

23:10 Female Spies of WWII

Воскресенье, 2 марта

00:55 The True Story of the Tattooist of Auschwitz

02:00 Female Spies of WWII

03:10 Female Spies of WWII

04:05 Who Wrote the New Testament?

04:55 The Mystery of the Holy Lance

05:50 Forbidden History

07:00 Cursed Bloodlines

07:25 Women Under Hitler's Flag

08:25 Women Under Hitler's Flag

09:25 The True Story of the Tattooist of Auschwitz

10:35 From the Ashes of WWII

11:50 Pompeii: The New Dig

13:05 Pompeii: The New Dig

14:20 Pompeii: The New Dig

15:30 Crucifixion Bones

16:40 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

17:40 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

18:50 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

19:50 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

20:55 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

22:00 Alive: The Andes Plane Disaster

23:00 Alive: The Andes Plane Disaster

23:55 Alive: The Andes Plane Disaster

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