Viasat History CEE Eesti

телепрограмма Viasat History CEE Eesti c 3 февраля по 9 февраля 2025 г.

Понедельник, 3 февраля

00:15 WWII: Frontlines

01:20 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

02:25 Secret Weapons: WWII

03:20 Mussolini: The First Fascist

04:15 Adolf Hitler: Decoding A Dictator

05:10 Cities of the Underworld

05:50 Forbidden History

06:15 Forbidden History

07:10 Royals: Keeping the Crown

08:15 Revolutions That Changed History

09:20 Cities of the Underworld

10:15 Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity

11:20 Top Ten Warfare

12:25 Secret Weapons: WWII

13:30 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

14:35 Revolutions That Changed History

15:40 Royals: Keeping the Crown

16:45 Cities of the Underworld

17:35 Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity

18:50 Top Ten Warfare

19:55 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

20:55 Secret Weapons: WWII

22:00 Adolf Hitler: Decoding A Dictator

23:05 Mussolini: The First Fascist

Вторник, 4 февраля

00:20 WWII: Frontlines

01:25 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

02:30 Secret Weapons: WWII

03:25 Eiffel: Towers' War

04:20 Ancient Superstructures

05:15 Cities of the Underworld

06:35 Cursed Bloodlines

07:20 Royals: Keeping the Crown

08:20 Adolf Hitler: Decoding A Dictator

09:25 Cities of the Underworld

10:20 Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity

11:25 Top Ten Warfare

12:35 Secret Weapons: WWII

13:35 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

14:40 Adolf Hitler: Decoding A Dictator

15:40 Royals: Keeping the Crown

16:50 Cities of the Underworld

17:40 Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity

18:45 Top Ten Warfare

19:55 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

20:55 Secret Weapons: WWII

22:00 Ancient Superstructures

23:10 Eiffel: Towers' War

Среда, 5 февраля

00:15 WWII: Frontlines

01:20 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

02:25 Secret Weapons: WWII

03:20 Churchill's Forgotten War

04:10 Nazi Killing Fields

05:05 Cities of the Underworld

05:50 Forbidden History

06:00 Forbidden History

07:15 Royals: Keeping the Crown

08:20 Ancient Superstructures

09:25 Cities of the Underworld

10:15 Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity

11:20 Top Ten Warfare

12:30 Secret Weapons: WWII

13:35 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

14:35 Ancient Superstructures

15:45 Royals: Keeping the Crown

16:45 Cities of the Underworld

17:40 Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity

18:45 Top Ten Warfare

19:55 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

20:55 Secret Weapons: WWII

22:00 Churchill's Forgotten War

23:05 Nazi Killing Fields

Четверг, 6 февраля

00:15 Nazi Secret Files

01:15 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

02:15 Secret Nazi Science

03:10 Unearthed: Ancient Murder Mysteries

04:00 Cracking The Code

04:55 Cities of the Underworld

05:35 Forbidden History

06:35 Cursed Bloodlines

07:10 Cursed Bloodlines

07:35 Royals: Keeping the Crown

08:40 Churchill's Forgotten War

09:40 Cities of the Underworld

10:30 Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity

11:40 Top Ten Warfare

12:45 Secret Nazi Science

13:40 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

14:50 Churchill's Forgotten War

15:50 Royals: Keeping the Crown

16:55 Cities of the Underworld

17:45 Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity

18:55 Top Ten Warfare

20:00 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

21:00 Secret Nazi Science

22:00 Unearthed: Ancient Murder Mysteries

23:05 Cracking The Code

Пятница, 7 февраля

00:05 Nazi Secret Files

01:05 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

02:10 Secret Nazi Science

03:10 Revolutions That Changed History

04:00 Queens That Changed The World

04:50 Paris: The Mystery of The Lost Palace

05:45 Forbidden History

06:15 Forbidden History

07:00 Cursed Bloodlines

07:20 Royals: Keeping the Crown

08:25 Forbidden History

09:20 Paris: The Mystery of The Lost Palace

10:30 Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity

11:35 Top Ten Warfare

12:35 Secret Nazi Science

13:35 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

14:40 Forbidden History

15:35 Royals: Keeping the Crown

16:40 Paris: The Mystery of The Lost Palace

17:50 Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity

18:55 Top Ten Warfare

19:55 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

21:00 Secret Nazi Science

22:00 Revolutions That Changed History

23:05 Queens That Changed The World

Суббота, 8 февраля

00:00 Churchill's Forgotten War

01:00 Adolf Hitler: Decoding A Dictator

02:00 Mussolini: The First Fascist

03:10 Ancient Superstructures

04:00 Salme: Ancient Viking Burial Ships

05:00 Salme: Ancient Viking Burial Ships

05:55 Forbidden History

07:00 Ancient Superstructures

08:00 Ancient Superstructures

09:10 Salme: Ancient Viking Burial Ships

10:20 Salme: Ancient Viking Burial Ships

11:20 Top Ten Warfare

12:30 Top Ten Warfare

13:35 Top Ten Warfare

14:40 Top Ten Warfare

15:50 Top Ten Warfare

16:50 Secret Weapons: WWII

17:55 Secret Weapons: WWII

19:00 Secret Weapons: WWII

20:00 Secret Nazi Science

21:00 Secret Nazi Science

22:00 Bismarck: 24 Hours to Doom

23:00 Black Panthers of WW2

Воскресенье, 9 февраля

01:00 Bismarck: 24 Hours to Doom

02:00 Black Panthers of WW2

03:00 Churchill's Forgotten War

03:50 Unearthed: Ancient Murder Mysteries

04:40 Revolutions That Changed History

05:35 Forbidden History

06:40 Cursed Bloodlines

07:10 Ancient Superstructures

08:15 History Uncovered

09:20 History Uncovered

10:30 The Mystery of the Holy Lance

11:35 Adolf Hitler: Decoding A Dictator

12:35 Lost Cities of the Bible

13:40 Lost Cities of the Bible

14:40 The Titanic in Colour

15:40 The Titanic in Colour

16:40 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

17:40 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

18:50 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

19:50 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

20:55 Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

22:00 Vikings: The True Story

23:00 Vikings: The True Story

23:55 Vikings: The Lost Kingdom

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