Deutsche Welle

телепрограмма Deutsche Welle на 14 августа 2021 г.

05:00 DW News

05:02 Arts and Culture

05:15 DocFilm, «The Stasi and the Berlin Wall»

06:00 DW News

06:15 Covid-19 Special

06:30 Tomorrow Today - The Science Magazine

07:00 DW News

07:15 World Stories, «The Week in Reports»

07:30 Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe

08:00 DW News

08:02 Arts.21 - The Cultural Magazine

08:30 The 77 Percent

09:00 DW News

09:15 Shift - Living in the Digital Age

09:30 The global auto- and mobility show

10:00 DW News

10:15 Arts and Culture

10:30 Check-in - The Travel Guide

11:00 DW News

11:15 DocFilm, «Conscientious Objectors in Israel - Choosing Prison over the Military»

12:00 DW News

12:15 Speak the Global Language of Sport

12:30 In Good Shape

13:00 DW News

13:15 Shift - Living in the Digital Age

13:30 Check-in - The Travel Guide

14:00 DW News

14:15 Reporter - On Location

14:30 Arts.21 - The Cultural Magazine

15:00 DW News

15:15 DocFilm, «Blowguns vs Bulldozers - The Last Nomads of Sarawak»

16:00 DW News

16:15 World Stories, «The Week in Reports»

16:30 Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe

17:00 DW News

17:15 Reporter - On Location

17:30 The 77 Percent

18:00 DW News

18:15 DocFilm, «How to Steal a Country - Corruption in South Africa»

19:00 DW News

19:15 Speak the Global Language of Sport

19:30 DW News, «Africa»

20:00 DW News

20:15 Shift - Living in the Digital Age

20:30 The 77 Percent

21:00 DW News

21:15 Reporter - On Location

21:30 DW News, «Africa»

22:00 DW News

22:15 DocFilm, «Ku Klux Klan - An American Story: I. Birth of an Invisible Empire»

23:00 DW News

23:15 World Stories, «The Week in Reports»

23:30 Arts.21 - The Cultural Magazine

00:00 DW News

00:15 Shift - Living in the Digital Age

00:30 Conflict Zone, «Confronting the Powerful»

01:00 DW News

01:02 DocFilm, «The Expanding Desert - Climate Change in Romania»

01:30 Eco@Africa

02:00 DW News

02:15 Speak the Global Language of Sport

02:30 Check-in - The Travel Guide

03:00 DW News

03:02 In Good Shape

03:30 DocFilm, «The Expanding Desert - Climate Change in Romania»

04:00 DW News

04:15 Speak the Global Language of Sport

04:30 Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe

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