Arirang TV

телепрограмма Arirang TV на 12 ноября 2021 г.

05:00 Not Found Love, 3 с

05:30 Foreign Correspondents, 263 с

06:00 Arirang news

06:30 Dialogue This Week

06:50 Catchy Korea, 241 с

07:00 Simply K-Pop, 493 с

08:00 The Daily Report

09:00 Not Found Love, 3 с

09:30 1day 1film K-Cinefle, 155 с

09:40 Travel Note, 30 с

10:00 Foreign Correspondents, 263 с

10:30 See What I See, «Episode 3»

11:00 Arirang news

11:30 Dialogue This Week

11:50 1day 1film K-Cinefle, 155 с

12:00 The Daily Report

12:50 Catchy Korea, 241 с

13:00 Newscenter

14:00 Unboxing k-life, 10 с

14:30 Exploring Korean Literature, 8 с

15:00 The Daily Report

15:50 1day 1film K-Cinefle, 155 с

16:00 Arirang news

16:30 Not Found Love, 3 с

17:00 Catchy Korea, 84 с

17:30 Exploring Korean Literature, 8 с

18:00 News in-depth, 5 с

18:20 SmartBiz Accelerators, «Episode 2»

18:30 See What I See, «Episode 3»

19:00 Arirang Special, 360 с

20:00 News in-depth, 5 с

20:20 1day 1film K-Cinefle, 155 с

20:30 Exploring Korean Literature, 8 с

21:00 The Daily Report

21:50 BizTech Korea, 107 с

22:00 News in-depth, 5 с

22:20 Catchy Korea, 241 с

22:30 See What I See, «Episode 3»

23:00 Simply K-Pop, 493 с

00:00 Exploring Korean Literature, 8 с

00:30 Travel Note, 30 с

00:50 1day 1film K-Cinefle, 155 с

01:00 Not Found Love, 3 с

01:30 Peace Insight, 276 с

02:00 Club.KOM, 20 с

02:30 Diplomat Talks, 59 с

03:00 Rewind It: Im Live

03:30 Travel Note Weekend

04:30 Transformation in Architecture, 11 с

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